Sunday, December 28, 2014

Donuts fever

Waktu aq bikin status di fb dan share resep donat.. Ga nyangka banget dg sambutan temen2 yg mencoba resep donatku yg super aimple.. 

Ini sebagian foto donat hasil buatan tenen2 

Ini resepnya:

500 gr flour
75 gr sugar
11 gr yeast
4 eggyolks
200 ml water

Mix all ingredients, used a mixer with dough hook. Mixed on medium until the dough starts to come together. Cover the dough and let the dough rest in warm place for 30 minutes to 1 hour.

When ready roll the dough, lightly flour a work surface and roll out the dough to a 1,5 cm thickness. Used a cooking cutter to cut the doughnuts. Arrange the doughnuts on the prepared baking sheet, leaving at least 2 cm between doughnut. Let them proof in a warm place until almost double size, 30 - 40 minutes.

Ini setelah proofing pertama

Kalo adonan sudah bisa di tarik seperti ini berati adonan sudah kalis, yg membuat empuknya donat yah ini

karena ga punya cetakan donat botol bekas evian pun jadi 

Ini gw nyetaknua pake cetakan yg bulet

Heat the oil in the pan. Carefully place the doughnuts in the hot oil. Fry, flipping only once until light golden brown.

Let the doughnuts cool slightly before glazing them. 

Buat yg belum mencoba bikin.. Coba aja buat.. Insya allah jadi deh.. 

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